making history one patient at a time
Ti Klinik Project
Hands for Haiti Health Clinic
How to Support:
- $ for staff salary
- $ for medicine
- $ to build new clinic
Ti Klinik means “little clinic” in creole. Haiti is hampered by some of the world's worst health indicators. Especially in rural areas, there is not a lot of available health care for the amount of people there are. The health care that they do have is sometimes too far for people to get to because of lack of transportation.
In January, 2016, we brought a small team consisting of a medical doctor, a chiropractor, 2 nurses and 3 lay people to a mountain community to provide a 3-day clinic. What we found was a greater need than we had anticipated. There was nowhere for these people to go. The pastor at the local church asked us to “not forget the mountain people.” Our hearts were inspired and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit (because only God could have made this happen), we opened a permanent clinic in May 2016.
People are now receiving the care they deserve and precious lives are being saved.
Hands for Haiti Health Clinic
How to support:
- $ to build a new clinic
-We now serve approximately 40 communities (people walk up to 8 hours to arrive.)
-We are open 5 days a week and treat approximately 200 patients per week.
-We have staff consisting of a nurse practitioner, a paramedic (pharmacist), an office manager and an administrator
-Our nurse goes for training at the Department of Health Ministry once per month and we report all our statistics.
-We have been treating cholera and have pretty much wiped it out on the mountain!
-We have classes for girls to teach them about their menstrual cycles and provide materials for them.
-We have anemia prevention and education.
*We are currently need to build a new clinic*
Health classes for young women
How to support:
- make kotex pads
In a lot of third world countries, young women struggle during their menstrual cycle. They are forced to stay home from school because they don't have the necessary materials to treat themselves. We teach hygiene classes to young women and provide them with materials so they can continue their education and create a career for themselves!